Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Replacing CRTs with iPads for Patient Entertainment Systems in Healthcare

Back in my day our TVs were big square boxes. The one my family owned had a wood look vinyl covering and I think a "remote" control that had a cable. I didn't even know how to program the VCR.

I'm not that old yet my (grey) beard suggests otherwise - but I still see oldschool TVs in hospitals. You know why? Its because Patient Entertainment Systems cost a FORTUNE when they are first implemented. And if you still do it the same way, it will cost a fortune again. They are hard to repair or replace, and the content is old and static.

This post is an extension to my post from yesterday around using GroundControl with Workspace ONE. Using iPads for a Patient Entertainment System (hereby referred to as PES) was actually the first use case that introduced me to GroundControl. There is a great case study out of the US for Pheonix Children's Hospital where they are doing exactly this.

I won't get into as much detail as my last post around how GroundControl works, but read on and you'll find out exactly why Hospitals are moving toward iPads with Workspace ONE and GroundControl.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Secure, Automated and Passwordless Mobile Clinical Device Provisioning

If you've ever been in a hospital, I'm sure you would have seen clinical staff (literally at times) running between rooms, back to nursing stations or if they're lucky into the hall to enter notes or lookup information on a WOW (Workstation on Wheels). Apart from the time it takes to get back to any of these places, they have to leave the patient bedside and remember what they need to capture in the medical records. Typically, to try and gain some time back computers are logged in as generic accounts (shudder) and there is no user personalisation or account auditing on these devices. To me, this just sounds like a recipe for disaster.

In recent years, we've seen the uptake of VDI (year of the desktop anyone?) and that brought some improvements around session portability between devices but there is no true mobility use case like a mobile tablet or phone that the clinician or doctor can take with them and complete their tasks at the bedside.

True, a device for every employee would be expensive. And they could just use their own devices to take notes or photos, but from a regulatory and compliance perspective this is really not a good idea.

This is where GroundControl and VMware Workspace ONE come in to save the day.

Imagine being a nurse, doctor or any healthcare employee for that matter. You now walk up to a pool of iOS devices, tap your RFID Employee badge onto the proximity card reader and in seconds a device is allocated to you which is completely personalised with your authentication credentials, your relevant applications and is ready to use without having to enter and passwords or further configuration. When you're done, just dock it back where you got it and it is securely erased to factory defaults ready for the next user.

Sound too good to be true?

Nope. Read to find out how and see this is action.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Velocloud Dynamic Multi-Pathing and Identity Manager

I was lucky enough a few weeks ago to get a Velocloud SD-WAN by VMware router for my homelab. This post won't be about all the features and capabilities of Velocloud, but there is one particular capability that, although useful, causes a few challenges with Horizon and Identity Manager.

I'm talking about Dynamic Multi Path Optimisation. Being an End User Computing specialist, I'm not going to pretend I am a networking expert but I will try to explain it as best as I can. On my Veloloud Edge Router in my lab, traffic is dynamically routed through the Velocloud Edge Gateway hosted by VMware on the megaclouds like AWS. Read the document linked above, but what it allows is Velocloud to optimise and improve internet and network traffic when routed through one of these Gateways.

However, after setting one of these bad boys in my homelab I noticed that things weren't quite working quite as expected for Horizon and Identity Manager.